Monday, April 20, 2009

Mike - Chuck

I wonder
What the two of you were like
In high school...
You probably loved to laugh
Your hair was long
Your face soft, round
And smiling.
Were you on the baseball team?
Or perhaps you would skate?
Was your girlfriend a blonde as well?
Did your friends make jokes
At how you held hands in the halls
And snuck her kisses
When you thought no one was looking?
Did you make smart-aleck comments from your desk
in the back of the room?
In hopes to impress her?
I suppose that was what you were like
Blonde hair and letter jacket
Blue eyes and high school sweethearts
back then
Would I have been one of them?
Feeling your sweet whispers in my ear?
And what about you?
You were probably a hoot!
Full of trivia, stories, and questions.
You stood in the corner
Or did you stand along the side,
Making comments when you could
Eyes glued to the paper on your lap?
Would you smile at a sweet girl in overalls
From behind your book
Afraid to say hello?
You were probably alone a lot,
Counting stars, memorizing movies, playing chess?
Fascinated by everything --
But did you worry, like me,
About fitting in?
I suppose that was what you were like
Glasses and polished shoes
Gazing at the world around you.
back then
Would I have wanted to be your friend?
Comparing math problems on a bench in the hall?
Years have passed away
And Your pasts are like shadows
But I see their silliouettes
And wonder:
Who were you?
And how did you become
The heroes you are today?

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